Note: Throughout this document, “instructor” refers to the person in charge of Japanese language instruction.
1.Japanese for Lectures
Q1.The first month of classes in the two-month lecture will be conducted in the students’ home country, and the second month in Japan. What matters should be paid attention to in creating the curriculum?
Q2. We try to make classes enjoyable, but they tend to be monotonous. How can we make the classes more varied?
Q3. As the classes proceed, the students chat amongst themselves more and more, and they stop listening to what the instructor is saying. What could be causing this?
Q4. There are many students in the class, so it takes a long time for all of them to answer any questions that are asked. They seem to be bored by waiting patiently for their turn. Is there a good way to avoid this?
Q5. The Japanese language instructor is fluent in Chinese, and perhaps for that reason gives many explanations in Chinese. The technical intern trainees almost all ask questions in Chinese as well. From perspective on an observer, it seems there is little Japanese being used. Is this acceptable?
Q6. During the classes, when the instructor asks one trainee a question the others immediately throw them a lifeline, so it is hard to get the student to answer. How can this be remedied?
Q7. It is hard to answer when students ask about the different between the particles wa and ga. How should this be explained?
Q8. For the Japanese textbooks for the lectures, we are using the ones that the technical intern trainees studied in their home countries, but they are not making much progress in speaking. How should this be remedied?